Tuesday 1 July 2014

re-post of Setting Goals

Setting Goals for 2014
by Terry Huggins FRSA, FInstLM, FCMI

As we enter 2014 may people will be setting goals for the coming year, myself included. I believe that goal setting is part of my responsible stewardship of time, talents and resources. If you have already set life goals for yourself this is a good time to review them. If not then why not consider starting this habit now.  “ A (chess) Grandmaster makes the best moves because they are based on what he wants the board to look like in ten or twenty moves in the future “ Garry Kasparov. So it is with life. A vision of the future in ten or twenty years enables you to make moves now that are steps to fulfilling that vision.   

5 tips for setting life goals

# Take time to dream. Dedicate some time and find a physical space where you can withdraw from your normal pace of life and routine in order to dream. For those with a faith prayer will be an important element of this time. 

# Avoid vague goals.  Write down your goals as doing so turns a mere aspiration into a goal. Be clear what you’re aiming to achieve and how you might attain it. We are vague when we don’t want to hold ourselves accountable. Make your goals very specific, make them measurable and assign a due date.  Goals are dreams with deadlines. Always be clear what your next action needs to be towards achieving the goal.

# Set goals for each area of your life.  You may wish to set goals for your work-life, physical well being, spiritual well being, family life and relationships, continuous learning, exciting experiences, influencing others. Don’t just focus on yourself but Include outward facing goals such giving to charity, voluntary work, supporting friends in need. Consider your motivation for each goal and that this aligns with your values.

# Set stretching goals. They should be worthwhile and with a real sense of importance to their accomplishment. This is what will make them compelling. Each should be challenging enough to engage interest and motivate action but not unrealistic. Goals can be an expression of faith. “The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it; but that it is too low and we reach it” Michelangelo

# Stay focussed on your goals. Don’t just jot them down on a piece of paper and file it. Keep them visible by placing them where you’ll regularly see them. Maybe a poster above your desk. Diary in time to review progress at monthly intervals and to commit to ‘next step’ actions. Keep your goals to a manageable number and not too many as this helps you stay focussed throughout the year. You might want to share your goals with a friend who will hold you to account throughout the year or work with a mentor. 

Have a productive 2014.

re-post of new year message

Happiness in 2014

Having spent today wishing people a “happy new year” has caused me to reflect upon the drivers of happiness. Research has shown that there is no correlation between wealth or possessions and happiness. The “New Economic Foundation” research for the government in the “Foresight project” produced 5 ways to encourage wellbeing and happiness. Just as we take our five portions of fruit and vegetables each day for our physical well being these are the five things we should take each day for our happiness and mental well being.

# Connect… Connecting with people around you, with family, friends, colleagues and neighbours. Invest time in developing these relationships will support and enrich every day.

# Be Active…. Go for a walk or run. Cycle. Play a game. Exercise makes you feel good. Find a physical activity that you enjoy and which suits you.

# Take Notice….. Be curious. Catch site of the beautiful. Remark on the unusual. Notice the changing seasons. Savour the moment. Be aware of the world around you and what you’re feeling. Reflect on your experiences and on what matters to you.

# Keep Learning……Try something new. Rediscover an old interest. Sign up for that course. Learn to play a musical instrument or how to cook your favourite meal. Learning new things will make you more confident as well as being fun.

#Give…. Do something nice for a friend or a stranger. Volunteer your time. Serve your community. Give financially to charity and learn about the causes you give to.

And so, as I wish you a Happy New Year I am wishing for that in 2014 you build strong connections with friends and family, have an active year, that you notice and stay inquisitive about the world in which you live, that you keep learning new things and skills and give generously of yourself and your resources to benefit others. Happy New Year. 

Terry Huggins

1st January, 2014

Leading Yourself - Focus

A prerequisite of being a good leader is the ability to lead yourself.  That of being a person with a sense of purpose to your life, built upon an understanding and awareness of your own values. This sense of purpose is essential for the drive, determination and persistence which a leader needs if their vision for the future is not to remain as just a dream. The ability to keep your focus on what you want to be.  Poor leaders of self often use their circumstances as an excuse for a lack of focus. I was heartened and encouraged whilst watching the BBC TV documentary programme on the making of the song for the Queen’s jubilee to hear an interview with a young blind man called Michael. Michael is a drummer and lives in the slums of Nairobi. This is what he said
“No matter what you go through. No matter what difficulties you have.You still have to stay strong. You don’t have to break down and give up on everything. You need to keep your head up and KEEP FOCUSING on what you want to be”

Local Government Challenge 5 : Breckland

Once again it was a privilege to support Richard Wills of Breckland Training Services who organised an excellent day for the fifth challenge of the 2014 LG Challenge. The winner will be chosen at the LGA conference in July.

Collaborative Leadership

Collaborative Leadership: Matthew Taylor, RSA from Better for Less on Vimeo.